Life has a way of sapping your motivation now and again. When you’re feeling uninspired or lethargic, a bit of spiritual advice can do wonders to get you back on your feet. The journey in front of you is a long one filled with mysteries and having a sense of determination to face the unknown prepares you better for handling whatever awaits. The next time you feel stuck or low, remind yourself of these simple bits of spiritual advice and see if the words help to restore your sense of purpose.
The Present Is What Matters
So many people worry away their waking hours. Whether it is grief over the past or concern about what is on the horizon, living outside of the present is the easiest way to feel lost in life. Remind yourself on a daily basis that the present is what matters. While it is easy to slip into old habits, there are simple steps to ground yourself in the moment at hand. If you feel your mind wandering or anxiety forcing you to dwell on the past or future, focus on something tangible.
When you give yourself a moment to think about the color of the walls or the smell of cinnamon in the air or the soft sounds of the television in another room of the house, it can really help to focus you. Living in the present is the first step toward keeping yourself motivated.
Learning Never Ends
The average person spends roughly the first two decades of life in an academic environment. From preschool to grad school, the point of these years is to be exposed to an array of intellectual topics and life experiences. Unfortunately, many people assume that learning ends once they graduate. In truth, learning never ends. The moment you feel like you know it all is the moment you stop growing. Open yourself up to this fact, and it can totally transform your perspective.
Balance Is Key
To truly feel content in life, you must learn balance. Often in the West, this is equated to balancing a healthy personal and professional life through equal parts work and play. In truth, balance goes far beyond this. You must also learn to balance your physical, mental, and spiritual needs. Balancing time alone with time for friends and family is also key. When things in life start feeling unbalanced, it can easily lead to disaster. Take time now and then to find your equilibrium and it can reinvigorate your motivation.
Know and Love Thyself
The old saying of “know thyself” is an important one to remember. Still, you need to take this concept a bit deeper to truly get the most from its message. While knowing who you are is crucial, you must also learn to accept and love yourself. This is an area most people struggle with in one form or another. Whether you feel like you need to lose weight or you’re not as smart as a coworker, comparing yourself to the rest of the world will always hurt you in the end. Learn to love yourself simply for who you are.
Act Instead of React
It is easy to fall into a pattern of never acting and only reacting. Unfortunately, it is a bad habit to fall into. Reactions are responses. Perhaps you’re judging a friend for getting engaged too soon or you’re vocal about something in the news that bothered you. Reactions will only make you feel worse inside. Actions, on the other hand, help you take control of your life and your feelings. Instead of silently judging a friend, talk to her about why you think the engagement feels rushed. Attend a protest instead of simply sharing anger-inducing news on Facebook.
A bit of spiritual advice can work wonders for an aching soul. Find words that speak to your sensibilities and discover motivation to pull yourself out of a rut.