Paganism is a term that tends to include countless belief systems. In most cases, a person who considers himself or herself pagan has rituals and traditions that are somewhat unique. If you’re currently feeling down about your own spiritual journey, you may be stuck on how to work certain rituals into your routine. Many spiritualists and pagans will suggest morning rituals to help anyone start the day on the right foot. However, not all people are morning people. If you’re more productive as the sun starts to set, then you might find it easier to work evening rituals into your schedule.
From the simple to the complex, there are many ways to make dusk a more spiritually fulfilling time. Take a look at these ideas and come up with your own plan.
Commune With Nature
The natural world plays a pivotal part in how most pagans conduct themselves. However, it can be easy to feel disconnected from nature now and again. This is particularly true for people who live in cities or anyone who resides in a region where winter is difficult to endure. It isn’t easy to feel a love for the bounty of nature when you’re stuck indoors for months due to endless snow. No matter what your situation is, there’s an easy way to end your day with an bit of appreciation for the outdoors.
When you feel up for it, take a walk outside. If you have the ability, surround yourself with trees and grass. Those who live in cities or developed areas can easily take a stroll around the block and breathe in the fresh air. The idea of this activity is to end your day in a place where you are appreciating all the natural world has to offer. Even stepping outside and standing in the cool air of a winter evening can be enough to ground you in the moment at hand.
Create a Tea Ritual
Few drinks contain as many healing combinations as tea. Those who enjoy a pot of herbal tea know how powerful this elixir can be. With the right ingredients, you can tackle issues like insomnia, indigestion, and anxiety with just a few sips. Though not an outright cure for anything, tea soothes the soul and has long been included in evening rituals across the world. If you want to end your day in a perfect way, make yourself a pot of tea and relax. From the preparation to the pouring of the last drop, the act of making tea is itself a soothing process.
A cup of tea does not offer instant satisfaction. You must work for the drink by boiling water, selecting the right blend, and allowing the leaves to steep for enough time. Patience is a trait all people can use help with in this modern day and age. Get into the habit of making tea, and you’ll start to understand the true value of patience. If you’re new to tea, conduct some research and learn more about the variety of options available to you.
Soak or Shower
In his book Jitterbug Perfume, author Tom Robbins muses that one of the secrets to immortality is taking a very hot bath each day. While a work of fiction, there is some truth to be found. A hot bath or shower is just one of many evening rituals that is hard to beat. On a practical level, this cleans the skin of the day’s filth. On a spiritual level, the hot water and scented products included in the ritual can invigorate the senses. Feel the tension melt from your muscles and connect with yourself on a deeply spiritual level.
No matter how you end your day, being mindful of the evening rituals you include can help you feel more connected to your spiritual side. Use an idea suggested here, or come up with your own way to include a pagan ritual that makes sense for your lifestyle.