Some myths have their roots in historical fact. The Oracle of Delphi is a great example: priestesses speaking prophecy while high on gaseous fumes. And like the curious beings that we are, we want to know what’s behind the curtain. Scientists are now examining the kraken’s mythology for clues. Is there a real beast behind the legends? Keep reading for an answer to this juicy question about the kraken.
One for the History Books
If you’ve seen Clash of the Titans, you may remember the kraken. This beast appears in both the original 1981 movie and the 2010 remake. But contrary to what both films depict, the kraken does not come from Greek tales. Its origins lie in Norse mythology.
Paleontologist Rodrigo Brincalepe Salvador discusses the myth behind this magnificent creature. Legends place it around Norway, Iceland, and Greenland, where it terrorized sailors in the open seas. Descriptions of the fearsome beast vary, but many depict it as a huge monster with a bunch of tentacles.
Science journalist Matt Simon regales readers with one from “The Natural History of Norway.” Published in 1755 by Danish historian Erik Pontoppidan, the text mentions an enormous creature measuring a mile and a half around. Pontoppidan says that the beast has many horns that emerge from the waves before it attacks.
According to Pontoppidan, the kraken also emits a strange odor. But we have a good guess on what that weird smell is. When it’s not snacking on humans, the beast lures in fishy prey using its own excrement.
Exploring the Kraken’s Real-Life Origins
You’d think that the kraken remains in the realm of myth. But scholars suggest that real-life fauna may have inspired these tales. Salvador points to the discovery of a giant cephalopod in 1853 as possible proof.
Norwegian scientist Japetus Steenstrup found the enormous squid stranded on a Danish beach. It received the scientific name Architeuthis dux, roughly translating as “chief squid leader.” And no wonder: Encyclopedia Britannica reveals that most measure around 43 feet long.
Marine biologists aren’t sure if the giant squid is one species or many. Sightings are rare, thanks in part to its deep-sea habitat. No photos of live adults in their natural ecosystem existed until 2004. The first live footage came even later, recorded in 2012 by Japanese scientists.
Fact Vs. Fiction
Giant squid match ancient descriptions of the kraken in a few key ways. There’s its large body plus its huge sucker-covered tentacles. But several differences exist between legend and reality.
The first critical difference lies in what both creatures eat. Thankfully, humans can rest easy. While the kraken devours ships and mariners, the giant squid prefers other prey. National Geographic mentions that its diet includes fish, shrimp, and smaller squid.
Another thing separating these two creatures is their place on the food chain. The kraken is undoubtedly at the top, dining on anything it likes. Giant squid are fast and efficient hunters, catching prey with their tentacles. But they’re no match for sperm whales, their only natural enemies. Squid can squirt ink to confuse the whales, giving them enough time to escape.
Finally, there’s the intelligence factor to consider. It’s not clear from legends how smart the kraken is. Yet giant squid DNA contains protocadherin genes that help create more complex brains. Octopi, their close cousins, can use tools and solve various types of puzzles.
More Questions Than Answers
The strangest human myths can conceal complex mysteries waiting for solutions. It’s easy to see connections between the legendary kraken and giant squid. These animals’ discovery in modern times offers insight into how our ancestors thought. But with their elusive nature and rare observations, there’s plenty about giant squid that remains unknown.