Modern living can often seem like it is picking up speed without any signs of stopping. Though the internet has created a sense of immediacy that previous generations could not have imagined, people in today’s society could sincerely benefit from taking a break every now and again. More than simple rest and relaxation, there is much to be said for exhibiting patience. When you know how to wait, the minor disruptions that cause your spirit distress will have less of an impact. Learn more about the power of patience to see how you can benefit from the practice.
Exhibiting Patience is a Virtue
According to many spiritual teachings, patience is considered a virtuous characteristic. Virtues are qualities that show the good, noble nature people can exhibit. Being able to wait for something showcases your ability to control yourself, your desires, and your emotions. Consider the child having a tantrum in the store when denied a toy or candy. Now imagine how many people you know show similar behavior when caught in adult situations. Though the outburst might look different, not being able to control yourself can easily make you look like a fool.
Sadly, this does not come down to a “some people have patience and others don’t” mindset. Each and every person can have a day that causes outbursts and frustration. The trick is being able to catch yourself in such moments and remember why being patient is important to your mental state. The more you learn to wait, the more control you feel you have over your life. This, in turn, calms the emotions that run high when a person is denied what he or she is after.
A Major Health Concern
Being patient goes far beyond how people perceive you. In fact, a lack of patience might even land you in an early grave if you aren’t careful. Though this warning may seem melodramatic, the science holds up. Consider a situation in which you encounter traffic each day on your way to work. Even if you are trapped for a total of five minutes, this is likely going to cause your daily stress levels to rise. You may experience road rage more easily and become irritated by every minor annoyance throughout the rest of the day.
When you experience this level of aggravation each day, it puts an incredible amount of stress on your body. As you get older, this stress can lead to major complications in your cardiovascular and immune systems. If you want to take the pressure off your heart and mind, you absolutely must learn how to face minor and major setbacks alike with a calm and rational demeanor.
Exhibiting Patience is an Attractive Trait
Being patient also helps attract people. Think about the last time you ordered a coffee from a local spot and had to listen to someone in line complain about having to wait. Though you might have agreed, this negative attitude dampens the mood in the space fast. Conversely, someone who knows how to be patient inspires others by simply exercising the ability to wait without complaint. From business to romance, you’ll discover being a patient and understanding person allows you the ability to make the connections you’re truly after.
A Way To Focus
Finally, exhibiting patience helps you focus. When you’re stressed, your mind is clouded and you see only that which is causing you annoyance. This can keep you from getting work done and taking care of your daily obligations. By calming yourself and learning to wait, you can start to focus on more important matters in a way that produces real results.
Practicing patience is a journey you will be on the rest of your life. However, learning to wait is worth the effort and can bring you the sense of spiritual calm you need.