The ocean has long been a point of fascination for the human race. From crossing the seas on rickety ships to diving to the deepest known depths just to see what’s swimming about, people have sought to conquer the dangers of the ocean in many ways. It makes sense that the sea also plays a huge part in most of the myths and stories of cultures all over the globe. Though what is found in the water seems less mysterious these days, people of the past often assumed the worst when it came to the mythical beasts of the sea.
Sea beasts are numerous in old tales, from the simple to the horrifying. Take a look at some of these examples of creatures once thought to live in the ocean.
The Kraken
Perhaps the most well-known mythical beast of the sea on this list, the Kraken is a legendary monster that comes from Norse myth. This beast was said to be of gigantic proportions, looking like a major squid with tentacles capable of smashing a passing ship with ease. Though considered a fictitious creature, many scholars and historians believe the Kraken was based on distant sightings of actual cephalopods by sailors who assumed the creatures were larger than they were.
The Sirens
Though nowhere near the size of the Kraken, the sirens are mythical beasts of the sea that pose just as much danger to those they encounter. According to Greek mythology, the sirens were spirits that took the form of beautiful women. They inhabited rocks near shorelines and were said to have voices that could entrance a man from far away. The sirens would sing to passing ships, causing the sailors to change course to come nearer to the women. When they approached, the ships would smash on the rocks and the sailors were sent to their deaths beneath the waves.
Another example of sea beasts from Greek myth can be found in the story of Perseus. During his trials, Perseus slayed the gorgon Medusa. Upon completing this task and setting off for home, he came upon a woman named Andromeda who was chained to rocks. The woman was being attacked by a huge beast called Cetus. Perseus killed Cetus and saved Andromeda, thus adding to his list of accomplishments. Interestingly, this isn’t the only time Cetus would die. Another myth saw the beast defeated by Heracles.
Interestingly, Cetus doesn’t have a definitive appearance in myth or modern interpretations. The beast has been described in a very basic way, like being a giant serpent from the ocean. It has also been described in more bizarre ways, like one tale that suggests Cetus had the body of a whale and the head of a dog.
The Tannin
According to Hebrew mythology, the tannin was a serpent of the sea that was considered a great threat to anyone it encountered. As with Cetus from Greek myth, there have been many different depictions of the tannin. Often, it was shown as a large serpent with dozens of snake heads and a single head of a human. The tannin also is mentioned throughout the Hebrew Bible in certain translations. Popular mentions include the Book of Genesis and the Book of Job.
The Leviathan
Finally, another giant mythical beast of the sea mentioned in the Hebrew Bible is the leviathan. This giant sea serpent was said to live in the sea and only come above the water to breathe fire and cause chaos. Interestingly, the term leviathan would be used many times throughout history to refer to any kind of large beast said to live in the ocean.
Though the ocean is still far more mysterious than most people realize, it can be assumed that kraken and leviathan aren’t cause for concern. Still, looking at the complicated mythical beasts of the sea can illustrate just how unnerving the ocean was to humankind for millennia.