Garden weddings have been a popular choice for couples for centuries. Getting married while surrounded by the bounty of nature can create a truly picturesque day. Still, plenty of couples struggle with the finer details related to planning this type of affair. While similar to a traditional outdoor wedding in a lot of ways, there are a few differences that set a garden reception apart. To make the process simple, check out these tips.
Any Season Will Do
When people hear the phrase “garden wedding,” they often picture an event that takes place during the spring or summer. While the bulk of garden parties will be held over the warmer months, there is no rule stating that this must be so. Throwing your party in the autumn or winter can be just as magical.
Naturally, you need to plan accordingly for the trials and tribulations that the season can bring. While rain is a threat in the spring, snow is going to be the bigger issue for many in the winter. Some areas also experience seasonal threats like tornadoes and hurricanes, which means you want to limit the odds of planning an outdoor wedding during the weeks when the threat levels tend to be highest.
Dress Makes the Garden Wedding
What separates a garden wedding from a standard outdoor event is not just the location. In fact, there are plenty of garden parties that don’t take place in literal gardens. The main idea behind the modern concept of this kind of reception is how people dress. Just like the Kentucky Derby is as much a horse race as it is a chance for attendees to flaunt their fashion sense, so is a garden wedding an opportunity for guests to look their best.
Weddings are already a time when guests dress up, but garden parties are about flair. For a spring party, dresses and suits that feature bold floral patterns would be a great fit. While you don’t need to enforce any fashion rules, you may be surprised to discover how many friends and family members give it their all.
Unwelcome Guests
A party that takes place outside is bound to gain some attention. However, you never know when an unwanted guest or two might show up. If you have your reception in a public space, then you might find that other people in the area wander over to see what all the fuss is about. But humans are far from the only unwanted intruders that may come your way. Food attracts critters of all sorts, from the furry kind to the flying kind, so think about how to shield your event from all beasts great and small.
Create Your Garden Wedding Venue
An easy way to ensure people don’t just wander into your outdoor event is by creating defined boundaries. You don’t have to erect complicated structures for this. By putting up some decorative partitions or fences, you can create an easy barrier that tells passersby that it is a closed affair. Plus, it will give you a little flexibility in the vibe that your event produces. A garden affair where guests stay in one place can help reduce the odds people miss out on important moments in the wedding because they left the grounds without realizing while wandering.
Garden weddings are a great way to celebrate your union outside while putting fashion at the center of the experience. Though the planning process might have a few extra steps, the yield will be impressive and well worth the time and energy you dedicate to your big day.