Of all the institutions that have existed throughout human history, marriage is one of the most ubiquitous. Because of this, there have been countless marriage customs and rituals that have sprung up in every corner of the world. Though you might be familiar with how a wedding looks in your own culture, this doesn’t mean you necessarily know how others celebrate this occasion. Check out these interesting marriage customs from around the world and gain some perspective on how strange weddings can get from an outsider’s perspective.
Marriage Customs: Smash the Crockery
Destroying glasses and plates as a way of blessing a wedding is a somewhat common practice in various cultures. In Germany, however, the tradition is slightly different. On the night before a wedding is to occur, friends and family visit the house of the couple and bring crockery. Guests then smash the items around the outside of the house, forcing the couple to come outside and clean the mess. The act is meant to introduce a challenge the couple must face together, as they will do many times after tying the knot.
Beat the Feet
Family members can often be protective when it comes to marriage. They want to trust that the individual their loved one is joining with is someone who has strength of character. In South Korea, a tradition exists that takes this concept to the next level. Before a groom is allowed to leave the ceremony with his spouse, family members must bind his ankles and remove his shoes. The group will take turns lightly beating and smacking the groom’s feet while asking him questions in order to test the quality of his character.
It is important to note that this tradition sounds more intense than it actually is. In truth, the practice is meant to be entirely fun and silly, conducted with a sense of frivolity and celebration. The activity is a quick way to round out the celebrations and is not meant to cause the couple any distress. However, you can bet the crowd gets a lot of laughs from the experience.
Cry the Tears
The emotional nature of a wedding means that tears of joy tend to flow freely. In China, however, crying can actually be a requirement. The Tuija of Eastern Asia have a custom entirely focused on the act of shedding a few tears. A month before the event, the bride must commit to crying one hour each day until the wedding. She is joined in this act by her mother a week later, then her grandmother, and finally the other members of her family.
Though it might seem cathartic or strange, the custom actually traces its roots back to a common source of inspiration weddings everywhere: royalty. According to the history of the Tuija, the mother of a famous princess wept openly before her daughter’s wedding in a display of love. Since then, the female members of a family partake in the crying ritual.
Kiss the Couple
In Sweden, there is a practice that can get a bit bawdy at times. During the wedding reception, family members and friends of the couple must pay close attention to whenever one is left unattended. Should a partner be left alone in the reception space, the guests are allowed to go up and offer a kiss that must be accepted for luck. Swedish couples will often stay close together during their nuptials in order to avoid having to fend off drunken relatives and friends who want to try their hand at the tradition.
Marriage Customs
All marriage customs can seem bizarre to those unfamiliar with the practices. Still, taking a look at international traditions that last to this day can help you appreciate the unusual nature of weddings as a whole.