Numerology is the belief that numbers and events work together to create a deeper and more mystical understanding of the universe. Since the world can often feel like a cruel place where misfortunes befall people in an almost random way, having faith in the power of numbers can offer some comfort. The practice dates back to the teachings of the Greek philosopher Pythagoras, though there have been many variations on the concept throughout history in different parts of the world.
While fully comprehending the nuances of numerology requires time and study, there are a few interesting points that you can learn about the practice as a whole. Look over these facts and discover the spiritual side of numbers.
Numerology: Every Number Has a Purpose
The Pythagorean system of numerology states that numbers associated with a person help to define personality traits, ambitions, life trajectories, and more. While there are many different numbers connected to a person, the name number is one of the most important. Each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a certain number. The person finds his or her name number by taking the value of each letter in his or her name and adding all the numbers together.
Each section of a person’s full name is factored separately. This means the value of your first name is determined, then added to the value of your last name. The final sum is your name number, which is said to reveal a person’s outer nature.
Certain Numbers Suggest Greatness
While all numbers are unique in numerology, there are certain digits that stand out. If your name number adds up to 11, 22, or 33, then greatness could be on the horizon. According to the Pythagorean belief system, those with these name numbers are born with qualities that set them apart from others. Whether this means they are gifted in a specific way or are able to achieve feats no one before has accomplished, these people hold a place of honor in the world of numerology.
Numbers Offer More Than a Look Inward
Most spiritual belief systems involve a variety of ways a person can enrich his or her inner life. Though numbers can provide a bit of insight on your own personality, numerology is also about using these numbers to gain perspective about other people. For example, the name number exists to reveal a person’s outer nature. If you know a person’s name number, then you can learn a bit more about the personality traits he or she tends to project the most.
Each Numerology Model Is Unique
While the Pythagorean model of numerology is one of the more widespread, there are variations on the concept popular all over the world. Some numerology systems base their core concepts on the initial teachings of Pythagoras, while others borrow heavily from other myths and traditions to create an entirely new process. The Chinese, Indian, and Chaldean systems of numerology are all significant branches to note.
Some Numbers Repeat
Have you ever had a specific number follow you around through life? Plenty of people have had the experience of seeing the same number wherever they look. While it might seem like coincidence, certain schools of numerology suggest digging deeper. Learning the meaning behind the numerical pattern might help you gain new perspective on a problem or question you’ve been facing in life. Interestingly, some scientists will actually refer to numbers that repeat without any meaning as numerology. While often written off as curiosities, some scientists like Wolfgang Pauli based entire theories off what certain patterns could mean.
Though grasping the full concept of numerology requires time, there is a lot that can be learned with a quick overview. If the idea of numbers impacting your life in a spiritual way is of interest, dive deeper into the mystical nature of numerology.