When examining culture, anthropologists often focus on the food and drink of world myths. From the ritual of preparing a dish to the enjoyment of consuming one, food holds serious power over people. It isn’t only the fact that adequate nourishment is necessary for life, but cooking and eating have evolved into complex art forms for many people. This is far from a new concept, however. Food has always played a big part in world cultures and traditions. Certain dishes are also noteworthy because they have been prominently featured in myths and tales.
From holy nectars to forbidden fruit, there are many examples worth noting when it comes to food in myths. Look over these and learn more about the meals that have made mankind go through the ringer.
Food and Drink of World Myths: Amrita
In Hinduism, there is a very popular concept known as amrita. Also called simply amrit, this is considered a type of nectar that is connected with immortality itself. Some have even recorded the nectar as the actual essence of immortality. Myths tell of amrita being produced in a great ocean of milk and churned by a number of gods and demons. It is said that thirteen different things came from the ocean of milk and were included in the churn, resulting in the drink.
According to many Hindu legends and stories, amrit was sometimes bestowed upon mortals. This was considered the highest form of praise and a very rare blessing.
Poetic Mead
Some people believe that the ability to write poetry is present in a person from birth. Others hold the opinion that it is a skill that must be learned and honed over the course of one’s life and nothing to do with innate talent. However, Norse mythology has an entirely different perspective on the matter. According to myths pieced together from the past, the ancient Norse folk believed in a drink called the Mead of Suttungr. Legend states the drink was made from the blood of a wise man killed by dwarves.
The myths say that the blood was converted into an elixir that could grant wisdom and intelligence to anyone who consumed it. Anyone looking to become a scholar or poet of any notoriety would need to drink of the Mead of Suttungr to attain greatness. The toll of success in this myth was the fact that one had to drink the blood of a famous and generous man to get ahead.
Food and Drink of World Myth: Soma
If you’ve heard of soma before, you most likely know about it in the context of alcohol. While it is one name for a type of alcohol, it is also the name of a special drink that plays a part in the literature of the Zoroastrian people. The Zoroastrian system of belief is considered the oldest monotheistic religion still practiced on the planet, and the exact origins of soma are debated. Essentially, it is agreed upon by many experts that soma came from a plant. Which plant, however, is what is debated heavily.
Regardless of the ingredients, the drink is said to be an elixir that can treat any disease. Though not known to grant immortality per se, it is believed that soma would make a person feel completely healed from almost any and all ailments. However, there are later stories that suggest those who consume soma could live forever. Again, the source materials are quite old and contested due to conflicting stories found over the years.
Drink Up
Throughout history, food and drink have played a pretty significant part in keeping the human race alive and thriving. While the benefits the food and drink of world myths offer might not actually exist, learning about these libations can offer some fun insight into how cultures have viewed food.