Sikhism is a philosophy and religion founded in the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent in the fifteenth century by Guru Nanak. Sikhs call their religion Gurmat, which means “way of the Guru” in Punjabi. Sikhism is practiced by more than 26 million people worldwide, with the highest population in Punjab.
What Do Sikhs Believe?
Sikhs believe that the spirit of Guru Nanak was imbued in nine Gurus who came after him. The tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh, completed writing the Sikh holy book—the Guru Granth Sahib, “the sacred book as Guru”—and declared that the texts would be the final Guru.
Sikhs believe that devotion to God is necessary for human souls to escape the constant cycle of reincarnation and that all paths lead to One God. They also recognize that all people are equal and that we can find freedom through serving and loving each other.
There are three pillars that form the core of Sikhism:
- Devotion to the Creator
- Service to humanity
- Truthful living
Why Do Followers of Sikhism Wear Turbans?
One of Sikhism’s five Articles of Faith is uncut hair. They believe that the Creator made them as they are and that to alter their bodies in any way, including cutting their hair, is an affront to that Creator.
Ninety-nine percent of people who wear turbans in the US are Sikhs. The turban represents a promise to stand up for the values of all people, the equality of all people and justice for all people. All Sikh men and some women wear the turban.
Why Do Sikhs All Have the Same Last Name?
Sikhs have always sought to end the caste system that defined social status depending on what family you were born into. As a means of creating equality for all, men were encouraged to take the last name Singh, which means lion. Women were asked to take the last name Kaur, meaning princess.
Women keep the name Kaur rather than follow the Western world’s tradition of taking the husband’s last name when they marry. This emphasizes the Sikh belief that women are equal to men in all things.
How Do Sikhs Worship?
The Sikh equivalent to a temple, mosque, synagogue or church is called a gurdwara. It’s a gathering place for the whole Sikh community, where they join to learn, pray, sing, and connect with each other.
The primary area where Sikhs worship is typically decorated with colorful, lavish rugs and fabrics. The Guru Granth Sahib is displayed prominently in the front of the room.
Another very important area in the gurdwara is the large kitchen, where Sikhs and non-Sikhs join together for a meal after all services, promoting the fellowship and community of all.
Gurdwaras feature four doors facing east, west, north, and south to symbolically welcome people from all around the world.
How Many Followers of Sikhism Live in America?
There are approximately half a million Sikhs living in America, according to We Are Sikhs. They began coming to the US in the 1800s in search of a democratic society and a better life for their families.
They worship in 300 gurdwaras across the nation, from small towns such as Richland, Ohio, to big cities such as New York City. Sikh Americans have contributed greatly to the fabric of American life, from outstanding military service to scientific advances and more.
Sikhism is a beautiful religion based on the belief that we may draw closer to the Creator in life by committing positive actions, thus giving ourselves Heaven on Earth. When pain and suffering occurs, or egos get in the way, Sikhs experience Hell on Earth instead. When they die, Sikhs believe they will become part of God and His Universe.