While planning your wedding, you might come across a host of customs that don’t seem to make much sense. Traditions have a way of sticking around for generations without anyone stopping to question why. This is as true of local customs as it is international rituals. Learn more about these bizarre international wedding traditions from around the world and see how truly unusual nuptial bliss can be.
Cover the Couple in Filth
In the northern region of Scotland, there persists an old custom known as “the blackening.” Basically, the practice involves the engaged couple being “taken hostage” by their family and friends. The couple is then tied to a tree, sometimes together and sometimes alone. Once secured, the couple will then be covered in whatever filth their loved ones can find. From rotten eggs to chocolate syrup to actual piles of garbage, the gunk thrown at the couple is meant to prove that they can withstand any terrible events that might come along after married life has begun.
Harvest Whale Teeth
There is an old tradition in America, where the groom asks the parents of the bride for permission before following through with an engagement. Though not as commonplace as it once was, it is far from unique. In Fiji, grooms must go to extreme lengths to seek parental approval. To prove their worth, men are required to acquire a tabua. A tabua is another term for a tooth coming from a sperm whale.
According to historians, Fijians would exchange tabuas as a way of showing esteem. If the would-be groom is able to harvest the tooth of a whale, parents are more likely to view the man as an honorable provider worthy of marrying their child.
Walk All Over the Guests
Amidst the Marquesas Islands of French Polynesia, there is a tradition that takes wedding decor in bizarre directions. After the wedding reception finishes, the family members related to the bride will lay down on the ground and form a path with their bodies. A long rug will then be draped over the crowd, creating a living carpet of guests. Before exiting the venue, the couple must walk over the family members. The basic idea is that family will always be there for the newlyweds and will literally lay themselves down to offer support.
Bring Mom on the Honeymoon
The honeymoon is a time for you and your partner to bond and enjoy a first excursion as a married unit. The last person you likely want to bring along on this adventure is your mother. However, some tribes across Africa think that dear old mom is supposed to be a part of the experience. According to this bizarre international tradition, a mother or another elder accompanies the couple on their honeymoon night as a way of offering guidance on bedroom responsibilities. Though an old tradition, modern couples tend to find this practice a bit too awkward to go through with it.
Put on Some Pounds
In the United States, couples will often commit to serious workout regimens in the months leading to their weddings. The goal is usually to slim down or tone up so that they look great in photos. However, the opposite is actually commonplace in Mauritania. In this African country, brides often commit endless hours to gaining weight. Local belief states that a hefty bride is a symbol of prosperity and health. In fact, some brides will even visit “fat farms,” where they are continuously fed until they reach a desired weight.
Though local wedding customs might seem odd at times, taking a look at how bizarre international wedding traditions can be can offer a bit of perspective. The next time you’re wondering why you’re tossing a bouquet or smashing cake in your partner’s face, remember that the practice likely began as part of the superstitions of the past.