Astrology has been enjoying greater popularity in the last few years. This may seem like irony, given the importance of science in addressing modern problems like climate change and COVID-19. But the renewed interest in the stars isn’t that surprising: With more financial and social instability, people are looking for answers. As one of astrology’s many disciplines, synastry uses a unique approach. Looking at a couple’s natal charts requires some special methods, but it reveals some fascinating insights.
The Astrology of a Couple
In synastry, astrologers compare two people’s charts. They’re not just looking for overall compatibility, although that is important. They’re also looking for the finer details–planetary placements that affect different aspects of the couple’s relationship. If you think that individual natal charts are detailed, then synastry adds a whole new level of complexity.
Bi-Wheel Synastry Charts
Synastry charts are a helpful tool for comparing two natal charts. They’re created in a bi-wheel format: The inner wheel is one person’s chart, while the other individual’s chart is placed on the outer wheel. Astrologers have traditionally drawn these charts for heterosexual couples, so the woman’s chart ends up on the inner wheel and the man’s occupies the outer wheel.
Modern astrologers use their own flexible approaches. Cafe Astrology demonstrates how a bi-wheel chart can be drafted in two unique versions: one with Person A on the inner wheel and the other placing Person A’s chart on the outer wheel.
House Overlays in Synastry Charts
If you delve deeper into synastry, you’ll probably encounter house overlays. When astrologers examine house overlays, they look at where the planets in one person’s chart sit in the other person’s horoscope houses. Instead of a planet’s placement simply affecting an individual’s life, it now impacts how the two partners relate with each other.
AstroFix details how this works: Partner A’s Saturn may be in Partner B’s third house. Saturn is notorious for disciplined and limiting influences, and that can play out in both positive and negative ways. The third house represents communication and learning, so Partner A may encourage Partner B to pursue more education. On the other hand, Partner B may feel unable to communicate with Partner A.
Composite Charts
The composite chart is another vital tool used in synastry. It’s a little different than standard bi-wheel charts. Emma Wilson of Mystica Astrology explains that it looks at the relationship as a whole instead of just comparing two individual charts. Composite charts can show relationship dynamics or how the two people behave as a unit.
Wilson adds that astrologers use many different methods to create composite charts. Her charts, for instance, include the midpoints between each natal chart’s planetary placements. If Partner A’s Moon is in Aries and Partner B’s is in Capricorn, their midpoint is probably in Leo or Virgo. Thinking of the composite chart as the chart of a relationship, we’d treat that midpoint as the relationship’s Moon.
Basic astrology principles also apply to composite charts: A planet’s house or sign placement influences how its energies manifest. Let’s assume that our example relationship’s Moon is in Leo. AstroStyle describes a Leo Moon as “dramatic, flamboyant, and expressive.” Since the Moon represents one’s deepest emotions and desires, we have a relationship expressing big, loud, and passionate feelings.
Complex Tools and Methods
No matter how we think or feel about astrology, it is a fascinating discipline. After all, we’ve been looking to the skies for guidance and answers for several millennia. Synastry is a few centuries old, but astrologers have adopted modern methods for reading a couple’s compatibility. Bi-wheel and composite charts require correct data plus a technical understanding of how to create them. While the results are open to interpretation, synastry demonstrates how incredibly sophisticated astrology can be.