Ever heard people describe themselves as “cusp babies” and wonder if that was an actual thing? Maybe you consult one astrology source that says you’re a Pisces, but another insists that you’re an Aquarius. If you have run into this phenomenon, then you might like to know what cusps are. More people are exploring astrology these days, but with the renewed interest comes different approaches, opposing viewpoints, and seemingly conflicting information, like “can you have multiple sun signs?” You’re probably not the only one feeling a little confused. Thankfully, astrologers help clear up the confusion with some useful information.
What Are Cusp Birthdays?
To understand what cusps are, a quick review of the Western zodiac system is helpful. Our zodiac contains twelve signs total, and most astrologers begin the astrological year with the first day of Aries. Most signs start around the third week of one month and end during the third week of the next. Dates and times are important information for astrologers, especially when drawing up a person’s natal chart. Twins can even be born under two different signs: for instance, an elder twin born at 11:59 p.m. on July 22 and the younger born at 12:00 a.m. on July 23 would have different signs. In this case, the elder twin’s sign would be Cancer and the younger twin’s sign would be Leo.
Astrologers Ophira and Tali Edut explain that what we typically call “cusps” fall between the 18th and 23rd of every month. Astrological signs’ beginning and end dates can change slightly from year to year, but most sources list general approximate dates. Naturally, some confusion may result. Let’s look at a celebrity born during a cusp as an example. Tori Amos’s birthday is August 22, so does that make her a Leo or a Virgo? The Edut twins clarify that you only have one sun sign, regardless of whether your birthday falls in a cusp or not. If you know your exact birth date and time, you can use one of the many free online tools to access your natal chart.
What About Cusp Signs?
If you’re new to astrology or learning more about the practice, you may encounter sources talking about “cusps.” The basic idea is that people born during cusps may have two sun signs. If there’s any truth to the idea, someone born on March 21 could theoretically be both an Aries and a Pisces.
Most astrologers flatly reject the idea. Vice staff astrologer Annabel Gat quotes popular astrologer Linda Goodman, who debunked the idea in her 1968 book Sun Signs. As Goodman put it, “Nothing can dim the brilliance of the sun.” In other words, the celestial influences from neighboring signs will never outweigh basic attributes from a person’s Sun sign.
Gat adds that the precise time of birth is key to knowing the Sun’s position when a person is born, thus removing any ambiguity. Even if a person is born within twelve hours of the Sun moving into a new sign, that individual still has only one sun sign. Our example Cancer-Leo twins might call themselves cusp babies, but neither twin has both as sun signs. The elder twin is always a Cancer and the younger is always a Leo. Gat also points to the complexity of natal charts and the wealth of information they hold. A person’s rising, moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars signs also have significant personality influences.
Astrology Is More Than Sun Signs
In truth, there is more to people’s astrological pictures than just their Sun sign. As individuals like Annabel Gat and the Edut twins remind us, astrology is a complex divination technique involving astronomical data and predictive methodologies. When we read horoscopes online or in print, we see general predictions for each Sun sign based on other celestial movements and aspects. Deeper understanding is only possible when we take the time to learn more and seek what lies beneath the surface.