Celebrating the end of one year and the dawn of another involves all kinds of rituals and traditions. While some make obvious sense, like counting down the seconds until midnight, there are some that can seem a bit odd. From commonplace actions like kissing when the clock strikes 12 to more peculiar ideas like keeping the house in a state of disarray until January begins, there are plenty of interesting superstitions around New Years.
A Kiss at Midnight
Pretty much the most popular tradition when it comes to Western media about New Year’s Eve, the “midnight kiss” is a practice plenty of people follow. Though many look to kiss a romantic partner in this moment, kissing anyone you love at the start of the new year fits with this tradition. The idea is that kissing at midnight helps to provide you with prosperity in the coming year. Whether a passionate make-out with a partner or a peck on the cheek of a relative, this is a simple and sweet tradition.
A Fish for Luck
Fishing is one of the oldest industries known to the human race. It makes sense that a lot of traditions surround the critters of the sea. Since herring can be found in abundance throughout regions of Europe like Poland and Scandinavia, the fish is often viewed as a symbol of wealth. Because of this, it has become commonplace for families all over Europe to indulge in eating herring on New Year’s Eve. By eating fresh, pickled, or prepared herring, a person is ensuring he or she will have good fortune in the new year.
An Unkempt Home
If you’re hosting a New Year’s party, a natural impulse for preparation is to clean your home. However, according to some superstitions around New Years, this could actually bring you bad luck. The year coming to a close has brought you plenty of good along with whatever bad you’ve experienced. Though cleaning might feel like you’re starting the year with a fresh space, superstition dictates you’re also cleaning away all the positive energy from your home. Wait until a few days into the year to tackle household chores to increase your luck.
A more dramatic take on this superstition over the years is to avoid doing laundry on New Year’s Day. The belief is that washing your laundry will “wash away” someone you care about. While most people don’t need a reason to avoid cleaning during the holiday season, this superstition definitely helps nail the point home.
A Message From the Outside
In Scotland, there is a belief that a person should not leave his or her home in the new year until someone from the outside has entered. The idea is that the first person to enter your home once the year begins represents what the year has in store for you. What’s more, custom dictates that the first person in your home should bring you a gift. What the person and gift symbolize will depend on the context and relevance in your own life, but this can be an interesting way to start the year in an offbeat way.
A Meal Without Chance
Some cultures advise against eating certain foods on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. For example, lobsters are animals that are known to move backward. By eating this crustacean at the start of a new year, you’re encouraging setbacks and delays in your own life. Similarly, chicken is said to bring about inconsistency with one’s wealth. Since chickens can take flight suddenly and erratically, your fortunes could do the same if you eat this meal to celebrate the year’s end.
There are plenty of superstitions around New Years. Learning more about these rituals can be a fun way to incorporate some new traditions into your own annual celebrations.