Staying active and productive are not always easy tasks when the winter winds begin to blow. As temperatures plummet, so do the motivation levels of individuals all over. Even those who can accomplish miracles in a 24-hour period can find themselves struggling to avoid procrastination during the winter. Unfortunately, prolonged procrastination can have a negative impact on your mind, body, and spirit. To maintain a positive disposition and accomplish your goals, you might need to learn a few helpful tactics for staying the course.
Make Lists
One of the biggest issues with a person’s perceived procrastination is that it can start to diminish levels of self-worth. In time, this can lead to one feeling as if he or she never gets anything done. Thankfully, there are certain tactics you can employ to “trick” your mind and start feeling motivated again. Writing out to-do lists, for example, can seriously change your perspective on how much you accomplish each day.
Write a list of tasks in the morning, focusing on everything from the critical to the mundane. Start with something you’re sure to complete like “shower” or “eat breakfast.” Cross this item off immediately, and you’ll be surprised at how it makes you feel a sense of pride. Though it seems small, having lists handy can help push you forward with your daily tasks while simultaneously offering the chance to quantify all you’ve done. Should a list produce the opposite effect and make you feel anxious over what’s still incomplete, simply crumple the paper and toss it out.
Accept a Certain Degree of “Laziness”
The concept of laziness is one many people grapple with. The idea suggests that a person’s default state is one of endless productivity and any attempt to relax is a person showing his or her lazy side. In truth, being relaxed and doing only what you feel like doing can be very healthy. Balancing your productive days with moments of complete inaction can allow your system to recharge. When every moment of your life is filled with obligations, responsibilities, and errands, it can suck the joy out of living. Procrastinating now and then helps you feel in control again.
However, this can be a slippery slope. When winter hits, staying in the warm cocoon of your covers never seems more appealing. While sleeping in now and then can make you feel good, doing it all the time will start to take a toll. As long as you can get back into the swing after taking time off, lazy days should be part of your routine.
Improve Your Time-Management Abilities
More often than not, people begin to feel overwhelmed and unmotivated when they start to fall short of completing everything they set out to do. Usually, focusing on time management can help with this problem. Consider that you might be agreeing to more than you can handle in a single day. By removing some tasks from your schedule and rearranging the rest, you may find that you don’t need to grind yourself to the bone to get through all of your responsibilities.
Work With Someone Else
Trying to feel motivated in a vacuum can be a serious chore. Adding another person to the mix, however, can greatly improve your odds. When you need to find inspiration and encouragement, turn to a partner, friend, family member, or even a pet. Having another living creature near you to offer emotional support can be a serious boost when you need it most.
Though the snow and cold may be difficult to endure, it is not impossible to avoid procrastination during the winter. Find what works best for your mindset and take control of the season.