Anyone who’s a little familiar with astrology already knows about Sun signs. Sun signs are seen as the primary cores of our personalities, laying out basic traits and tendencies. However, astrologers believe that there’s much more to each person than what’s indicated by the Sun sign. Moon signs reveal the colors of our emotions and vulnerabilities; the moon offers more details about what makes each of us tick.
What Does the Moon Represent?
Astrologer Emma Wilson describes the Moon as symbolizing a person’s instincts and emotions. Both the zodiac position and phase at the time of an individual’s birth may provide key details, but most people focus on just their Moon sign to better understand themselves. Moon signs can also appear in any of the 12 horoscope houses in a birth chart, adding more depth and detail to the interpretation.
These are just a few basic meanings, but Wilson mentions a few others offered by astrologers. Moon signs can point to a person’s deepest inner needs and ego, or as AstroTwins Ophira and Tali Edut put it, the “inner you.” It can indicate aspects of our lives in which we try to remain the most secure. It may also speak to relationships with our parents, parental dynamics, and even ancestral ties.
Your Moon sign is one of the “big three” core aspects of your personality, along with your Sun sign and your rising signs. The AstroTwins note that your Moon sign could impact how your Sun sign traits manifest by dampening their effects, boosting their strengths, or adding more nuances. Fire plus fire equals more fire, so a Leo with an Aries moon appears more passionate and temperamental. A Leo born a few days before with a Pisces moon will look a little more subdued, with a calmer and dreamier quality.
A Quick Overview of Moon Signs
Most reputable astrology sites provide detailed information about Moon signs’ meanings. They change every two to three days, so two individuals born in the same zodiac sign won’t necessarily have the same Moon sign. A correct birth date is vital to drawing an accurate birth chart. If you haven’t gotten your chart drawn up or just want to know your Moon sign, Café Astrology has a free online calculator.
With that said, both AstroStyle and Café Astrology break down the specific qualities of each Moon sign. Aries moons need independence, challenges, and action, for instance, while Virgo moons want to feel helpful and desire mental stimulation and solving problems. Every Moon sign exhibits how the energies of its zodiac constellation combine with those represented by the Moon.
The Moon in Horoscope Houses
Just as the Moon’s energies blend with a zodiac sign, they also meld or shift depending on its house position within a birth chart. As the AstroTwins point out in another AstroStyle piece, horoscope houses represent different areas of an individual’s life. Since they are ruled by zodiac signs, they also have planetary rulers. Depending on the nature and ruler of the house, the Moon’s energies may be expressed positively or negatively. In other cases, the house’s ruling planet or sign may weaken your moon sign.
The Moon has fascinated humanity for millennia. Influencing our oceans’ tides and helping us measure time, it’s been a constant companion in our night skies. Naturally, astrologers look to it for deeper symbolism.