Life can easily throw a lot at you at once, from work responsibilities to personal dramas. You may find yourself struggling to stay in your preferred mindset. Staying grounded while dealing with a million issues at once may seem impossible, but there are many interesting tactics to consider. The world of spirituality offers many teachings when you need to find your center. Discovering a method that works for you can prove invaluable when you need to remain calm, collected, and controlled at all times.
Go for a Walk to Find Your Center
Though walking away from your problems permanently is not the best of ideas, there is a lot to be said for taking a short stroll away with the intention of coming back. A break is as good for the body as it is for the soul, so you should never turn away the chance to hit the pause button. When you find yourself stressed or stuck in your head, a walk is a surefire cure. On a scientific level, moving your body releases endorphins and contributes to a better mood. This means you’ll return to your tasks with a fresh perspective.
Connect With Your Senses
Some moments of stress can prove more significant than others. If you’re having a hard time finding your center, it could be due to your anxieties impacting you in a way you didn’t expect. Unfortunately, taking note of anxieties can often exacerbate them. Professionals suggest bringing yourself out of your own head during these moments. Connecting with your senses can help, though you may need to be very direct with the approach. Running cold water along your skin, for example, is considered one of the best ways to ground yourself right there in the moment.
Holding an ice cube in your hand can produce a similar effect. As your skin comes in contact with the cold surface, your mind will start to focus more on external stimuli than the anxieties causing you to find your center.
Eat Something Slowly
Another way to connect with your senses and ground yourself is by having a bite to eat. Instead of eating specifically to satiate hunger, however, you’ll be attempting to savor what you consume. Focus on the flavors of the food and chew in a slow and deliberate way. Again, the main idea here is to try and put your attention on your senses in a way that helps you stop focusing so much on whatever is happening in your mind.
Count and Touch to Find Your Center
Putting a few different ideas together can also be useful. Instead of just taking a walk, consider walking around your room. As you move, gently tap any items that you pass by. Take note of the way each surface feels against your finger or hand. The combination of moving around and touching items at random can ground you in a quick and efficient way. Moving your body and stretching while navigating the room can be another way to get more from this grounding exercise.
Find the Right Scent
Finally, a simple act like lighting a scented candle can prove very helpful when you are dealing with feeling overwhelmed. Whether you light a candle that is said to improve a foul mood or you turn to a scent that fills you with fond memories of the past, aromatherapy is very helpful in easing a ruffled spirit. You don’t have to limit yourself to candles, either. Incense and essential oils can also serve the purpose of grounding you in a stressful moment.
Though finding yourself in a situation where you feel stressed and untethered might be frustrating, there are plenty of simple actions you can take to improve your state of mind, from lighting candles to taking a walk. Find what works best for you during those times when you need to find your center.