Collective stories can sometimes be hard to recognize because they are presented as irrefutable truths about how the world works. Modern Western societies are largely driven by the belief in infinite growth and accumulation. It’s undeniable that this narrative has contributed to a dynamic society. However, there is growing evidence to suggest that infinite economic growth does not necessarily correlate to a happier social environment. What’s more is that this collective belief manifests itself in our personal lives. Much of Western society is driven by the desire to accumulate more. We’re often motivated by more things, more money, and more status. Yet data suggests that people are not much happier for it. How would society look if we challenged this belief and practiced being content? Here’s a look at what Buddhism can teach us about life today.
What Is Buddhism?
With over half a billion adherents, Buddhism is one of the world’s largest belief systems. It is also one of the oldest. Originating in ancient India sometime in the fourth century BC, the movement would go on to spread throughout Asia. While Buddhism includes a wide variety of practices and traditions, they all trace their roots to the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama. Better known as the Buddha, Gautama taught that all of life is suffering and that suffering is caused by desire. His goal was to teach his followers to overcome suffering by freeing themselves of desire and attachment.
The End of Suffering?
From a Western perspective, Buddhism often sounds negative and pessimistic. Many interpret the Buddha’s teachings as instructions to forsake ambition and improvement. However, this interpretation misses an opportunity to learn just what Buddhism can teach us. It is only natural to want things. However, natural human desire does not have to be the driving force behind our time on this earth.
It is precisely this view that governs the lives of most people in the West. The view that life is to be lived and experienced has been forsaken. Instead, we’ve been taught that life is about consuming and competing. We measure our worth based on what we have and how we are perceived by others.
What Buddhism Can Teach Us
One does not need to adhere to Buddhism entirely to recognize how Gautama’s philosophy can be useful here. Life driven by desire leaves one feeling empty and unfulfilled. No matter what is gained, there always seems to be something greater to attain. Such nagging sadness can give way to a number of unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Buddhist philosophy challenges us to practice being content with the moment. One does not necessarily need to forsake all life goals and ambitions. Rather, one can strive for their vision for life while prioritizing the journey and experience over the destination itself.
The Path to Enlightenment
What Buddhism teaches us is that that freeing oneself of desire and attachment is an eternal process. Being content is not a code to crack but a skill to practice. Whether through meditation or a conscious shift in perspective, keeping the Buddhist worldview in mind can help alleviate the emptiness that often plagues life in the modern Western world. Life is about more than ever-grander pursuits. Keeping this in mind can open the door to an existence that is sweeter and more fulfilling.