Life sometimes has a way of throwing a curveball at you when you least expect it. While some issues are more manageable than others, any surprise can be enough to make you feel overwhelmed depending on your current circumstances. No matter the obstacle at hand, it can be useful to have some “go-to” spiritual methods of dealing with your frustrations. Remembering the right spiritual teachings when life is difficult can help you get through these periods without retaining a negative or jaded attitude about what you have endured.
This Too Shall Pass
One of the most common bits of advice given over generations, “this too shall pass” is an old Persian adage that speaks volumes to human nature. When faced with an insurmountable problem, most people will not be able to see beyond the trouble at hand. However, everything passes in life. The bad, just like the good, will fade, and something new will come along. When you’re at your worst and feeling like life can never recover, simply remind yourself that it will pass to notice a difference in your attitude.
You Can Only Control Yourself
Have you ever had a day where everyone and everything is absolutely irritating to you in every conceivable way? Most people go through times like this. However, it should never be your “resting emotional state.” When people are always getting on your nerves, the problem might be with you. People often forget that they can only really control themselves in this life. Should all of your troubles stem from your reactions to how other people behave, international news, or the way the wind is blowing, you might want to reflect a bit on why you’re having such volatile responses.
Action and Reflection Must Be Balanced
Balance is key to a happy and healthy life. When it comes to enduring a difficult period in your life or a specific problem without a clear solution, it is important to remember how to blend reflection with action. Too much reflection and you’ll find that you’re lost in your own head about a specific issue. Too much action, on the other hand, and you might be making decisions out of haste and without any real purpose. Though an issue might not have a solution, you need to figure out how to master the duality of acting and reflecting.
Each Day Is a Gift
When you’re enduring a terrible period in your life, you might not wake with the motivation to face your day. Should this be a pattern for you, it is crucial that you consider the spiritual teachings that say each day presented to you is a gift. Just as the sun renews the world after a night of darkness, so you are reborn with each dawn. Use the gift to the fullest. You don’t know how many days you will be granted, and life can end as abruptly as it began. View your chance at life as an opportunity for greatness.
Listen To Your Voice
Modern living can send a million messages at a person at any given moment. From television commercials to family dramas to societal expectations, you may feel like your own voice is being drowned out by a million others. Listening to yourself amidst the cacophony of sounds is key to your health. Though you won’t always have the answers, you definitely need to learn to trust your gut in certain circumstances. Even if you make the wrong choice, it will have been yours to make and not one coerced by the world around you.
Spiritual teachings can be quite invaluable when it comes to facing most of the problems that will come your way in life. Find the messages that resonate most with your soul, and learn how to apply these ideas to your everyday life.