Sitting in your modern, minimalist apartment and staring at your computer screen while you work from home can make you feel like there’s no room for spirituality in your life. It takes a lot of time to commit to going to church or the mosque, synagogue, or temple every week. So you might have lost touch with the spiritual practices or rituals you learned while growing up. Just because you don’t pray or worship among a group of people doesn’t mean you can’t be a spiritual person. Try some of these activities to build your own everyday spiritual practice for healing and growth.
Pray to the Sun Upon Waking
One of the most universal aspects of spiritual practices all over the world is the importance of the sun, and you can take part in this by praying to the sun when you wake up. You don’t have to get up at sunrise to include a sun prayer in your day. Take the time to stand at an open window or go outside with your cup of coffee and greet the sun, giving thanks for the dawning of a new day.
Light a Candle or Incense
Lighting a candle or burning incense can help you commemorate the start or end of your day in a more spiritual and thoughtful way. Fire is a crucial part of many spiritual and religious practices because it is life-affirming and a symbol of the sun’s warmth and healing properties. You can light incense when you first wake up and greet the sun as part of your morning ritual to start the day and save your candles for your nighttime ritual.
Set an Intention for Your Day
If you are in a rush, one of the quickest ways to connect with your spirituality is to set an intention for your day. It might not sound like a spiritual activity, but self-reflection is similar to meditation. Choosing an intention and meditating on it for a few minutes before you get run out the door is a great way to stay in touch with your progress during your healing journey.
Make a Seasonal Bouquet
Another way to get in touch with your spiritual side is to honor Mother Nature by making a seasonal bouquet and placing it in your home throughout the year. If you’re interested in bringing a bit of nature into your home for this spiritual practice, avoid using store-bought flowers and plants. It’s important that you take the time to go on a walk outside and find things that are blooming or growing in your environment.
In the summer, you will probably have a wide variety of local wildflowers and ferns to choose from, but in the winter, you’ll have to get more creative. Consider using evergreen boughs and fallen twigs to stay in tune with Nature’s cycles.
Healing Through Nature
Nature and spirituality go hand-in-hand, which is why it’s very helpful to escape into nature when you can. Think about making hiking or picnicking a regular part of your life in the appropriate seasons. Spending time in forests and lush parks is good for your mental health and will help you develop your own sense of what spirituality means to you.
Bathe in Moonlight
If you’re looking for a spiritual practice to add to the end of your day, consider bathing in moonlight. You can keep your clothes on for this activity, but you will need to go outside and sit under the light of the moon. Turn off surrounding lights and soak up the silvery beams of the stars and moon. You’ll feel rejuvenated and inspired when you head back inside.
If you have always felt disconnected from organized religion, take some time to discover which of these everyday spiritual practices works for you. Becoming a spiritual person is not so complicated after all.