
17Aug, 2023

6 Spiritual Lessons We Can Learn From Our Pets

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Our pets do more than offer companionship. Whether you have a cat, dog or fish, your pet can help you live better. Taking care of a pet keeps you active and motivated. Petting an animal can reduce blood pressure and stress. Your pet can help you be more social. Even though you and your pet do not speak the same language, listening to your pet can teach you some valuable lessons for your mental, physical and spiritual well-being.

Live in the Moment

Mindfulness is an observation of the present moment. Humans often struggle to appreciate being “in the now” without judging or worrying about the future. Your dog gets excited just seeing the leash. It doesn’t matter if you take the same path as yesterday or what the weather looks like. Your dog enjoys being outside with you.

Be Flexible

Your pet trusts you during a thunderstorm, even if she hides under the bed. Once the storm is over, your pet doesn’t cower while waiting for the next one. Adopt a pet from the shelter and watch how he adapts to your home and embraces his new life. Your life is going to take many twists and turns. Learn from your pets to adapt to what you can’t change and to find ways to embrace the moments along the way. Flexibility is one of the best ways to handle the ups and downs that will come your way.

Loosen Up and Have Fun

Adults often lose their “joie de vivre” with the busyness of life. If you’ve forgotten how to play and laugh, just watch your pet. Watch your dog get excited about finding a treat. Notice how your cat chases a toy ball across the floor. Pets don’t get caught up in wondering if someone might laugh at them while they play. Do something fun each day to make life a little easier. Blow bubbles. Walk in the rain. Tell funny jokes. It’s good for your mental health and for your soul.

Rest When You’re Tired

You probably get jealous of your pet being able to sleep just about anywhere in weird positions without worry. Many people work hard and forget to take breaks. It’s okay to unplug for an hour and take a cat nap to refresh your mind and renew your spirit. Rest is not the enemy. Even taking a 10-minute break from a tough job can help you get a new look at the project to finish it up.

Unconditional Love and Trust  

Your pet loves you when you’re feeling sad or happy. Your pet still loves you after you chew them out for getting on the furniture. Even if you sleep through breakfast, your pet loves you and trusts you the next day to wake up. Your pet never needs you to change for them. A pet’s acceptance is a wonderful lesson that your human relationships could benefit from.

Live Minimally

Your cat is just as happy in an old box as in an expensive cat bed. Your dog plays with an old sock like it’s a brand-new toy. Your dog doesn’t care if you’re using a 10-year-old leash or the latest fashion. It’s a good reminder that you don’t have to keep up with the Joneses. You can enjoy modern conveniences without worrying about having the latest car, the most expensive house or the newest smartphone. Focus on what’s really important to you instead of status symbols.

Get Inspired in a Spiritual Way

Spirituality helps you live a meaningful life. Let your pets inspire a sense of well-being in your life by reminding you of these lessons to slow down and appreciate your friends and family.

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