The winter can often prove to be one of the most challenging times of the year for people across the world. When the temperature drops, people are more likely to experience feelings of sadness and isolation. In fact, studies from recent years suggest that about 5% of the adult population in the United States experiences intense seasonal depression due to the cold weather and shorter days. If you’re looking for a way to keep your spirits high this season, explore these practical suggestions and see what will work best for your needs.
Move Your Body
Movement is one of the easiest and most effective ways of battling feelings of depression. According to research, engaging in physical activities releases a variety of hormones that can elevate a low mood and increase feelings of positivity and hopefulness. If you’re not the type who likes to go to the gym, there are endless ways you can get up and move throughout the winter. Some simple ideas include taking a short walk around your neighborhood each day, dancing around your house, or doing quick exercises like push-ups or jumping jacks.
Change the Scent of Your House
During the winter when you’ve got the heat running and the windows shut, it is easier for a house to take on a stale smell. Since scent can have a direct impact on your mood, one way to keep your spirits high during this time of year is by filling your home with smells that offer you feelings of comfort. Often the scents that produce the best results will be subjective to your own preferences. Still, there are certain smells that have been proven to make people feel happier. These include jasmine, lavender, pine, vanilla, peppermint, and orange.
Absorb Some Sunlight
From a scientific perspective, people tend to feel happier during the spring and summer because they are more likely to expose their bodies to sunlight on a regular basis. When your skin comes in contact with sunlight, your body produces more serotonin, which helps to stave off depression. While you might not want to stand outside for long periods when the temperature is freezing, daily exposure to sunlight can work wonders for your mood. Sunlight therapy lamps are also a useful alternative, as these household items aim to mimic natural outdoor light.
Write in a Journal
Sometimes, feelings of depression can come about without a clear cause. When this happens, it can be beneficial to look within and try to uncover what’s going on in your subconscious. One method that has been proven effective for this is journaling. When you sit down with a pen and paper and start to write out your thoughts, you will begin to gain a fresh perspective on what it is you’re feeling. The goal of journaling is to simply write whatever comes to your mind and move on, so don’t worry about sharing your writing with anyone.
Listen to Music
The simplest of activities can often have the most impactful results when it comes to improving your mood. Listening to music when you’re feeling low is a perfect example of this. Create playlists for the winter that include songs that make you feel happy, excited, or hopeful, or those that give you the urge to dance. Whenever you feel your mood dipping, put on one of these playlists and see how quickly your spirits start to rise. The right music can even provide you with the energy you need to get up and tackle tasks you’ve been putting off throughout the season.
Though the winter can easily increase feelings of depression and loneliness, there are a number of simple activities you can explore when you’re looking to boost your mood. Whether you listen to music, dance, or write in a journal, try out a variety of options to see which makes you feel best.