From tossing the bouquet to couples avoiding each other before walking down the aisle, there are a number of traditions and superstitions connected to Western weddings. While there are plenty of strange customs involved in American weddings, every culture has specific practices when it comes to marriage. Explore this list of international wedding customs and gain a bit of insight into the variety of ways that couples attempt to encourage good luck when tying the knot.
Put Your Bread on Your Shoulders
In Armenia, one popular tradition includes bread and honey. At the start of the reception, the couple will enter the venue and be given a plate that they must break. Once the plate has been smashed, the mother of the groom will present the couple with flatbread and honey. The couple will balance the bread on their shoulders as a way of keeping evil spirits away from their union. While doing this, they will consume the honey in order to encourage a lifetime of happiness within their marriage.
A Shave From a Friend
The members of a wedding party are often asked to take on a number of tasks before the big day arrives. In Greece and Romania, however, groomsmen are given the very specific job of shaving the groom. The tradition is a rite of passage meant to symbolize the groom’s transition into adulthood now that he is about to become a husband. In some instances, only the best man assumes the role of barber. In other arrangements, all the male members of the family take turns shaving a few whiskers from the groom.
Get Ready To Clean
Upon entering domestic life, couples are usually faced with endless chores related to cleaning the household. However, most people don’t expect these responsibilities to begin on the same day they get married. In Germany, one common tradition involves wedding guests smashing porcelain dishes on the ground during the reception. The couple must then work together to clean all of the broken pieces. The idea is that the newlyweds must learn how to face challenges as a united front, which will help them with problems of all sizes as they begin the journey of marriage.
Covered in Cash
Cash is the most common gift to give a couple on their big day. In Cuba, this idea is taken to a whole different level. Throughout the reception, guests will approach the bride and ask for a dance. Every person who dances with her must then attach money to her dress. In modern times, it has become commonplace for the groom to also take part in the practice and receive money for each dance. If the couple doesn’t want their attire ruined by people pinning bills to the fabric, guests will sometimes fashion necklaces of money for them to wear.
Give Wedding Gifts or Get Silly
In Russia, one common tradition involves a groom proving his worth to the family of his betrothed. On the morning of the wedding, the groom will approach his partner’s parents and either give them a series of lavish gifts or make a fool of himself by doing silly dances and singing childish songs.
Celebrate the Night Before
Over recent years, the rehearsal dinner has served as a way for the couple to celebrate their union with close friends and family the night before the wedding. Still, people in Italy have long used this night as a chance to party. The custom of “la serenata” involves the groom bringing a group of musicians to his bride’s window and serenading her until she comes outside. Once she does, family and friends will arrive and enjoy a night of dancing, singing, and eating.
Wedding traditions from around the world may vary greatly, but all essentially serve the purpose of encouraging good luck and prosperity to the happy couple. By learning more about customs from other cultures, you may find some fun ideas to include on your big day.