Karma is a concept most people are aware of in one way or another. It makes sense, as the idea has been around for thousands upon thousands of years. The specifics surrounding karma vary depending on what religious background a person has. For those who follow Hinduism, karma is best described in a quote from Mahābhārata, an ancient text from around 8 BCE: “As a man himself sows, so he himself reaps; no man inherits the good or evil act of another man. The fruit is of the same quality as the action.”
This quote states that a person’s actions directly influence what will happen to this person later in life. One who commits evil deeds will have evil thrust upon him. Similarly, those who are giving and kind will receive this back from others. In Buddhism, karma is the force tied to people that guides them through each rebirth until they eventually reach a place of peace. If you are interested in karma but find it to be a complicated topic to sort out, take a look at some of these common concepts and discover the basic ideas.
Change From Within
As with most supernatural or cosmic forces, karma is often misunderstood. Unlike the idea of fate, which suggests that human beings do not have control over their destinies in the way they believe, karma gives people more credit. The idea of karma is that the way a person behaves in life is going to alter or change the way he or she experiences this life or, in many cases, the next life. Here, it is easy to see that the structure of karma encourages people to constantly strive to be better by taking action in the right ways.
“Change comes from within,” is a phrase that has been stated by many philosophers, academics and leaders over the course of human history. In a karmic sense, this could not be more true. If you are someone who is sick and tired of the sorrow and heartache found in the world, you have it within you to get out there and change what you do not like. Be someone who rises above the sorrow and creates a world of light and hope. It is not an easy task, of course, but it is one that may change the world.
True to You
Karma is also a force you can consider when you are looking to make positive changes in your personal life. Staying “true to yourself” is a concept that has been mentioned in most religions and spiritual movements. When you take time to really understand yourself and your soul, you are going to have an easier time making the right judgment calls in life. In a karmic sense, being true to who you believe you are is a way to maintain how clean your spirit is.
The idea here is that people who have a deep understanding of themselves are more likely to interact with the world in open and honest ways. Those who live lies or speak dishonestly are more likely to have a negative impact on those in their immediate surroundings. By speaking from a place of truth, you give yourself true power and can influence the world around you in ways that you might not have thought possible.
Constant Rebirth
Even though the idea of karma has been around for many thousands of years, it is not the easiest of concepts to nail down. Depending on your background, religious beliefs, and desire to learn, you could be approaching karma from a multitude of different positions. In the end, all that matters is keeping in mind how your actions can directly change the world around you and enrich your inner life.