As far as world religions go, Hinduism is quite old. Having originated thousands upon thousands of years ago, it is still being practiced all across the world today. In fact, statistics suggest that the practitioners of Hinduism number in at about 1.5 billion these days. Despite how widespread it is, there are a ton of people who do not know the first thing about this religion. While it currently holds the title of being the third most popular religion on Earth, it doesn’t get the same attention in the Western World as religions like Christianity and Islam.
By taking a moment to learn more about Hinduism, you are giving yourself the chance to expand your understanding of one of the world’s oldest religions. Take a moment to explore these interesting facts and see what you can discover.
Hinduism Isn’t the Name
Here’s the first big fact: Hinduism is not actually the name of the religion. Though it has become an accepted term, the word Hinduism came about after non-practitioners of the religion first came in contact with it. The Ancient Greeks, who had their own complicated system of worship, were the first to refer to the religion as Hinduism in the West. The actual name for the religion is Sanatana Dharma. Loosely translated to mean “eternal truth,” the name reflects the constant search for truth that all members of the faith take part in.
It is also important to note that there really is no “one way” of practicing this religion. There is no real “ruling body” connected to Hinduism, the way that the Roman Catholics look to the Pope for guidance. Instead, members of the religion are connected through various texts and rituals. How each member of the religion goes about his or her life is up to each individual. While there are general rules and guidelines depending on the source text, many people of this faith do not cling to the words in a literal way.
One God or Many?
The trickiest part of Hinduism for non-practitioners to understand is that, technically, it is a monotheistic religion. This can sound hard to believe, because Hinduism is known in other parts of the world for the many gods and goddesses associated with it. While it is true that there are separate deities like Vishnu and Shiva, the main concept of Hinduism suggests that everything in the entire universe is one. Since everything is one, all the gods and goddesses are also part of the singularity.
While it might be somewhat difficult to wrap your mind around, it also makes total sense when you sit and think on it for a moment. Though members of the faith might pray to separate deities depending on the context of the moment, the ultimate truth is that all the gods and goddesses are one and the same in their eyes. If you find this interesting and want to learn more, take some time to educate yourself on Hinduism. You’re likely to uncover a world of in-depth information by sitting and talking with a member of this faith.
Old Tomes
Hinduism not only holds the distinction of being one of the world’s oldest religions, but some pretty old texts are also associated with it. The Rigveda is a collection of sacred hymns and mantras, and it is considered one of the oldest surviving texts on the planet. While times have changed, many Hindu beliefs can be traced back to this book.
While you might not know much about Hinduism at the moment, now is a great time to start delving deeper. Take a bit of time to learn more about this fascinating religion, and show one of the world’s oldest belief systems a little bit of love.