According to the Western Zodiac, from August 23rd until September 22nd, the sun will be in the astrological sign of Virgo. The period is sometimes referred to as the Maiden, and people born during this late-summer time are said to be loyal and practical. Of course, there are also many undesirable traits attached to Virgos, like being critical and being too hard of a worker. According to Greek myth, Astraea, the goddess of innocence, was the last of the gods to remain on Earth. After witnessing the brutality of mankind, she departed for the stars and became the constellation now known as Virgo.
Also important to note is that the next sign of the Western Zodiac, Libra, is somewhat associated with Virgo’s origin. Astraea was often connected in literature and art to Dike, the goddess of justice. Dike holds the Scales of Justice, which are also the main symbol associated with Libras. Though less concerned with justice, Virgos are said to have a very strong sense of what they believe to be right or wrong in a particular scenario.
Shy and Mighty
One particular trait often associated with Virgos is shyness. Though people born under this sign are going to have different personalities, a number of astrological sources attribute Virgos with a quieter nature. Still, it is very important to note that this should not be confused for meekness. The Virgo is a mighty individual in regard to hard work, loyalty, and kindness. He or she may not be the center of attention at the party, but you can bet a Virgo will make you feel welcome and cared for.
A downside to this loyalty is that it can easily become corrupted by less desirable emotions. Jealousy, for example, can become a very powerful force inside a Virgo when left unchecked. The loyalty he or she has toward a particular person can easily get distorted into obsession. Should a person enter the scene whom the Virgo believes is a “threat” to a specific relationship, then the Virgo will likely go to extremes to make this person feel less welcome. Of course, this is not a hard rule, and there are plenty of non-jealous Virgos out there.
Especially Great Communicators and Workers
Though shy and likely to avoid the spotlight, Virgos are said to be fantastic communicators. This is especially true of the written word. From political figures to novelists to screenwriters, there have been some amazing people born under this sign; Stephen King, John McCain, Roald Dahl, Leo Tolstoy, and Mother Teresa are just a few Virgos who have excelled at communicating. If a Virgo is looking to tell you a story, pull up a chair. It will likely be a long story, but it may also be totally worth every second.
Virgos are considered hard workers, which makes sense considering the time of year they are born. As the summer comes to a close, the fruits of the season must be harvested before the chill sets in. This desire to reap and sow is what gives Virgos one of the strongest work ethics of any of the astrological signs. Add in the fact they’re considered analytical, well-organized, meticulous, and caring, and you’ve got all the traits you need to create one of the most efficient workers around.
Virgo Motto: I Serve
The desire to work hard and dedicate care to relationships is what gives the Virgo the motto of “I serve.” Dependable and fastidious, the Virgo is someone who knows how to nurture and support without coddling or making another feel weak.
No matter what your particular views on astrology might be, there are interesting things to learn about each sign. Knowing the pros and cons of your own sign can help you to become the best version of yourself.