Viola Desmond fought for equal civil rights for black in Canada.
Here in the United States, we’re familiar with Rosa Parks and her refusal to move to the back of the bus. She was not the only woman making strides in civil rights in North America. In our neighbor …
Pew Researches a College Degree and Religion
Earning a college degree has positive consequences for your children.
It’s no secret that earning a college degree makes you more employable. It’s estimated that college graduates with a bachelor’s degree earn at least $17,000 more than people with a high sch…
Lesbian Women Who Fought for Civil Rights
Lesbian Women Stood up to fight for Civil Rights
Until the late 20th century, gays and lesbians had to hide their sexual orientation. Gay men were arrested at a much higher rate than gay women, because the laws weren’t on the books to prevent a lesbian relationsh…
7 Movies About Domestic Violence
Educate yourself about Domestic Violence by watching movies that deal with the topic
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. According to the Presidential Proclamation from September 30, 2016, “Over the past two decades, rates of domestic violence …
Understanding LGBT History and Its Important Figures of the 70s
October is LGBT History Month
October is LGBT History Month, not be confused with June, which is Gay Pride Month. It’s important to know the heritage of gay rights in the United States. There were a lot of people who changed the environment for the LGBT community…
Burqa Bans Worldwide
Different styles of Muslim Dress
Over the summer, many cities in France attempted to ban the burkini on the beaches. Interestingly, here in the United States, girls in schools face a similar but different problem. While the French want to see more skin on the beach…
12 Ways You Can Help End Domestic Violence
Help End Domestic Violence
October has been designated National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The National Network to End Domestic Violence estimates that 1 in 4 women are directly affected by domestic violence, but if you have a family member who is being abu…
Celebrate the Freedom to Read During Banned Books Week
Celebrate the freedom to read books during Banned Books Week
“Do you like green eggs and ham?
I do not like them, Sam-I-am.
I do not like green eggs and ham!”
Almost everyone recognizes the lines from Dr. Seuss’s beloved “Green Eggs and Ham.” Did you know…
Women Deacons in the Catholic Church?
The Pope calls for the discussion of Women Deacon’s in the church
Many different faiths allow women to serve as ministers and leaders, but the Catholic Church has lagged behind. For generations, only men have been ordained as deacons and priests. While nuns d…
Staying Sane Until the November Election
Are you tired of hearing about the upcoming Presidential Election?
No matter where you sit on the political spectrum, you probably are seeing some crazy behavior this election cycle. It’s not only from the candidates and commentators, it seems as if everyone is g…