How does Easter, the day Jesus is said to have risen from the dead,connected to rabbits and eggs?
With Easter right around the corner, now is a great time to start thinking about some of the symbols associated with the season. Everywhere you look, you are bound to …
Tag Archives: Easter
Why They Burn Socks in Maryland at the Spring Equinox and Other Thoughts About Spring

Eggs are Traditional symbols of celebration at the Spring Equinox.
Robin Williams, beloved comedian, said, “Spring is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s party!” Around the world, many cultures have festivals of spring and the Spring Equino…
Is Easter Just for Christians?

Easter is a spring holiday event celebrated by most Christians as the resurrection of Jesus. Many of the customs and traditions associated with the day actually come from pagan religions, who were excited that the winter was over and spring had arrived. The …
Celebrating Easter
There are many different ways to celebrate Easter, which falls on April 5 this year. Like Christmas, the holiday has become highly commercialized; for many people it is about chocolate bunnies, colored eggs and jelly beans. For Christians, Easter is the oldest and …
Read MoreThe Rites of Spring

With the coming of spring to the northern hemisphere, many people in the western Judeo-Christian culture look forward to the celebration of Easter. However, many cultures have time-honored celebrations and traditions that welcome the lengthening days and the hope o…
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