From tossing the bouquet to couples avoiding each other before walking down the aisle, there are a number of traditions and superstitions connected to Western weddings. While there are plenty of strange customs involved in American weddings, every culture has …
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Spring Flowers and Religious Symbolism
Many of the spring flowers that announce the season have religious symbolism. Easter lilies represent Christ’s purity, red roses symbolize the blood He shed, and daffodils are thought to have bloomed after Christ rose from the tomb. As perennial flowers …
Read MorePutting a Spotlight on Parody Religions
When it comes to spoofing and mockery, there will be many different opinions about what is fair game. From people to places to ideas, many things are subject to parody, often as criticism or litigation of society’s understanding or execution of certain c…
Read MoreWhat If Your Child Chooses Another Religious Path?
As a parent or legal guardian of one or more children, you’re responsible for making sure they’re protected and provided for. Presumably, you want your child to also be prepared to live their best life as a contributing member of society. This preparation …
Read MoreAthena or Minerva? How Greek Deities Became Part of Roman Religion
If you’re familiar with Greek mythology, you probably know about most of the major deities in the religion: Hera, Athena, Demeter, Zeus, Poseidon, and so forth. You probably also know that many of these have Roman equivalents such as Juno, Minerva, Ceres, Jupiter…
Read MoreAll About Chrislam
Syncretism refers to the combining of two or more religions into a new belief system. This blending of faiths typically happens either when a culture with religious traditions is conquered by or assimilated into another with different faiths. Religious syncr…
Read MoreA Variety of Monsters Found in Modern Religions
When people think of religion, they typically think about deities or guidelines on how to pursue a life that aligns with the divine. However, plenty of modern religions also feature an array of creatures, spirits, and monsters that serve an array of purposes. …
Read MoreDo Aliens Believe in God?
Humans have always gazed at the sky, and the sky has always provoked questions. One of the most enduring mysteries is whether or not there is intelligent life outside of the Earth’s solar system. Ancient peoples all over the world came up with creation m…
Read MoreExploring Prosperity Theology
When you examine the roots of the word “theology,” (“theo” = God + “ology” = study), you might think it means the study of a deity. To some, that might sound like religion itself, especially since many of the world’s largest religions expect adhe…
Read MoreFacts About Hinduism Based on Recent Statistics
According to academics, people actively practice more than 4,000 religions and denominations around the world. Of all these belief systems, however, few are as old as Hinduism, which is often regarded as a synthesis of different cultural beliefs from across In…
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