Has anyone ever told you, “You’re my spirit animal?” Perhaps you’ve heard that said about someone else. You may have even been asked about this as part of a job interview or an icebreaker. In common usage, the term is positive and complimentary, often …
Read MoreExploring Secular Hymns
Hymns are typically religious songs that are expressions of worship and adoration for a deity. Derived from the Greek word that translates to “a song of praise,” a hymn is often associated with the Christian faith in most English-speaking countries. Christ…
Read MoreBurial Traditions of the World
The idea of burying a person in the ground after his or her death is quite common in many parts of the world. However, it is far from the only way cultures have gone about paying final respects to the departed. Though it is normal to put a person to rest in th…
Read MoreMarriage Customs of the World
Of all the institutions that have existed throughout human history, marriage is one of the most ubiquitous. Because of this, there have been countless marriage customs and rituals that have sprung up in every corner of the world. Though you might be familiar w…
Read MoreThe World’s Haunted Places
Throughout history, people all over the world have wondered about ghosts. Whether the culture thought the supernatural forces were benevolent spirits of their ancestors or malevolent, tortured souls looking for vengeance, belief in ghosts has persisted well in…
Read MoreGods of the Vine
Throughout history, there have been countless deities worshipped by different human cultures. More often than not, the gods and goddesses remembered are those that pose some type of threat. Zeus was the most powerful of the pantheon of Ancient Greece because h…
Read MoreInsects and Mythology
Mythology from around the world is typically filled with examples of animals or anthropomorphic beasts that aim to aid or plague mankind. Though the furry, feathery, and fishy tend to dominate most of the tales, there are countless examples of smaller critters…
Read MorePlanning a Garden Wedding
Garden weddings have been a popular choice for couples for centuries. Getting married while surrounded by the bounty of nature can create a truly picturesque day. Still, plenty of couples struggle with the finer details related to planning this type of affair….
Read MoreTaking a Close Look at the American Civil Religion
Have you ever listened to an American political leader or other public figure give a stirring speech about pride in country after a major event such as the September 11 attacks, a natural disaster, or a championship victory? Have you ever noticed how many peop…
Read MoreDo Animals Have Religion?
Humans offer a diverse wealth of perspectives, creativity, and experiences. That’s not surprising, given that over 108 billion people have ever lived on this planet. Spirituality can both unify and divide, depending on one’s beliefs and how they’re expre…
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