Call it midsummer, the first day of summer or summer solstice; it all means essentially the same thing. It’s the day with the longest amount of daylight and the shortest night of the year. In 2023, the summer solstice will occur on Wednesday, June 21. In som…
Read MoreCelebrating the Equinoxes
If you’re interested in connecting to ancient spiritual practices, you should include celebrating the equinoxes on your yearly festival calendar. The spring and fall equinoxes are already marked on the calendar you probably have sitting near your desk, b…
Read MoreBanned in America: When Celebrating Christmas Was a Crime
For those who grew up enjoying Christmas holidays, it can be hard to imagine the winter season without them. Every end of the year comes with glitter-festooned pageantry, complete with frankincense, gold, melodic carols, storytelling and sparkling lights, while sce…
Read MoreAll About Chrislam
Syncretism refers to the combining of two or more religions into a new belief system. This blending of faiths typically happens either when a culture with religious traditions is conquered by or assimilated into another with different faiths. Religious syncr…
Read MoreThe God of the Bible: Exploring His Pre-Judaism Origins
The curation, editing, translation and collection of a vast range of religious texts have produced scriptural collections such as the Hebrew Tanakh and the King James Version of the Bible. Attempts to produce a cohesive chronicling from these writings have resulted…
Read MoreAn Overview of Different Meditation Styles
There are many different ways to decompress when the pressures of life become too stressful for you to handle. One of the best practices to adopt when you’re feeling overwhelmed is meditation. This ancient technique is meant to ground you and help you live i…
Read More6 Spiritual Lessons We Can Learn From Our Pets
Our pets do more than offer companionship. Whether you have a cat, dog or fish, your pet can help you live better. Taking care of a pet keeps you active and motivated. Petting an animal can reduce blood pressure and stress. Your pet can help you be more social…
Read MoreA Variety of Monsters Found in Modern Religions
When people think of religion, they typically think about deities or guidelines on how to pursue a life that aligns with the divine. However, plenty of modern religions also feature an array of creatures, spirits, and monsters that serve an array of purposes. …
Read MoreUse a Vacation Day or Two To Take a Spiritual Retreat
August is American Adventures Month, which celebrates vacationing. When most people think about vacations, images of theme parks or camping probably come to mind. Although that type of thrilling adventure is important to your well-being, it may not truly…
Read MoreRelieve Stress by Exploring These Spiritual Ideas
Have you been feeling more stressed than usual? Do you find yourself getting anxious about future events, work problems, or family issues? If so, you absolutely need to take a step back and consider different ways to find relief. According to mental health pro…
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