
30Jan, 2023

Warm Your Spirit During the Colder Months

Posted by : Universal Life Church Ministry Comments Off on Warm Your Spirit During the Colder Months
A woman warms her spirit by reading a book, drinking coffee, and eating a biscuit.

When the temperature starts to drop and the days become shorter, many people experience a shift in their moods. According to scientific research, people are exposed to less sunlight during the autumn and winter. This in turn reduces overall serotonin levels an…

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25Jan, 2023

A Quick Guide to Feng Shui

Posted by : Universal Life Church Ministry Comments Off on A Quick Guide to Feng Shui
Two stones form the yin and yang symbol in the sand.

To the average observer, feng shui may seem like a strange and complex system for arranging home interiors. Most beginning enthusiasts try to grasp the basics, learning how unseen living energy moves within a space. But there are many deeper concepts behind th…

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23Jan, 2023

Find Your Center and Stay in the Right Spirits

Posted by : Universal Life Church Ministry Comments Off on Find Your Center and Stay in the Right Spirits
A picture of a multicolored plant.

Life can easily throw a lot at you at once, from work responsibilities to personal dramas. You may find yourself struggling to stay in your preferred mindset. Staying grounded while dealing with a million issues at once may seem impossible, but there are many …

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19Jan, 2023

Astrology and the Precession of the Equinoxes

Posted by : Universal Life Church Ministry Comments Off on Astrology and the Precession of the Equinoxes
A depiction of the Earth's orbit and rotation on its axis around the Sun.

When our earliest ancestors looked up at the night sky over 200,000 years ago, what they saw was far different than what we see in modern times. The zodiac constellations that we know today were first named over 2,000 years ago by Greek astronomers. Their posi…

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18Jan, 2023

How To Stay Motivated as the Year Begins

Posted by : Universal Life Church Ministry Comments Off on How To Stay Motivated as the Year Begins
A man climbs up a ladder toward the sky.

Whether you’re trying to reach personal or professional goals, you need to have a certain degree of ambition. Unfortunately, plenty of people struggle when it comes to finding proper motivation. This is especially apparent as the year begins, and people all …

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17Jan, 2023

Moon Signs: Astrology’s Emotional Barometer

Posted by : Universal Life Church Ministry Comments Off on Moon Signs: Astrology’s Emotional Barometer
A depiction of the night sky and the moon.

Anyone who’s a little familiar with astrology already knows about Sun signs. Sun signs are seen as the primary cores of our personalities, laying out basic traits and tendencies. However, astrologers believe that there’s much more to each person than whatâ…

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16Jan, 2023

Avoid Procrastination During the Winter

Posted by : Universal Life Church Ministry Comments Off on Avoid Procrastination During the Winter
A woman walks through the snow wondering how best to avoid procrastination during the winter.

Staying active and productive are not always easy tasks when the winter winds begin to blow. As temperatures plummet, so do the motivation levels of individuals all over. Even those who can accomplish miracles in a 24-hour period can find themselves struggling…

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