Jediism largely evolved from the popular Star Wars movies. The observance of the “Force,” as well as the principles and philosophies of the Jedi knights, are the foundation of the religion. The followers acknowledge the importance of the movies on their religio…
Read MoreFive Major World Religions and Their Important Holidays
There are many diverse religions and almost every day is sacred for somebody, some place in the world. Having awareness and respect for different world religions and holidays, even if they differ from one’s own beliefs, can help you better navigate an increasingl…
Read MoreMardi Gras and Religion
Beads in traditional Mardi Gras Colors
After New Year’s Eve, the next big party of the year is Mardi Gras. Also known as Fat Tuesday and Carnivale, the holiday takes place on February 17 this year. The celebratory aspect of this annual event is now the main focus…
The Jewish Community – The Biggest Target of Religious Hate Crimes
Hate Crimes
According to the FBI website, hate is not crime. However, when someone commits a criminal offense that is motivated by bias against religion, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation, it becomes a hate crime. The FBI recently released its annual report …
Is Buddhism Waning in Japan?
Recent reports on NPR and other media outlets have suggested that Buddhism is on the wane in Japan. It’s estimated that about 40 percent of the 77,000 temples in Japan will close their doors and cease to function over the next 25 years. For the record, that’s o…
Read MoreReligious Beliefs in the Future
Religious Beliefs
The face of religion is changing. The Pew Research Center, a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank based in Washington D.C., recently offered formal projections based on six years of research and data from censuses and population registers from around…
Pagan Christmas Traditions
Pagan Christmas Traditions
Not celebrating the birth of Christ can make you feel like an outcast at Christmas. The original celebrations during this time were actually feasts to bring people together and make them feel good during the long winter months whe…
What is Wicca?
Wiccans perform a handfasting ceremony
Wicca in America
As of 2008, there were 310 recognized religions and religious denominations in the United States. All of the world’s major religions were represented, as well as traditional Native American faiths. Also incl…
Five Things to Know About Online Ordination for Weddings
There are many excellent reasons to get ordained online to perform weddings. Marriage ceremonies may run the gamut from ultra-traditional to non-conformist, but to be valid all must have someone to officiate the event. Perhaps a couple close to you has asked if you…
Read MoreInterfaith Minister Training: Sacred Thread
Raksha Bandan, meaning “Knot (or Bond) of Protection,” is one of Hinduism’s most important festivals. It honors the special bond between brothers and sisters. It is celebrated on Shravana Poornima, the day of the full moon, during the Hindu month of Shravana,…
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