Each of these four candles symbolizes an aspect of Advent, with the final white candle added at the end to represent Jesus Christ
Advent is the beginning of the Christian liturgical year and encompasses the four Sundays before Christmas. It is a season of preparati…
Interfaith Minister Training: A Jewish Wedding Ceremony
For the ceremony, you will need a chuppah (canopy), wine, and a glass to break
For an interfaith minister, coming across individuals from many different religious backgrounds who are seeking your services is not at all uncommon. The Universal Life Church espouses t…
Interfaith Minister Training: Fast of the Nativity
The fasting lasts until Christmas, when East-Orthodox Christians celebrate with a feast
The East-Orthodox Fast of the Nativity, sometimes called the Phillipian Fast, focuses on preparing the body, mind and spirit for the birth of Christ. The fast begins on November…
Interfaith Minister Training: Al-Hijra
The Islamic New Year, commonly referred to as Al-Hijra or Muharram is a great time for an interfaith minister to share the enriching traditions of this annual observance with church members.
The emergence the new moon ushers in the Islamic New Year. The Universal L…
Interfaith Minister Training: Diwali
It is customary to burn candles for the Festival of Light
Diwali is an ancient religious ceremonial holiday celebrated across a multitude of faith. It is also referred to as Devali and Deepavali in certain countries. Diwali signifies a festival of lights and takes …
Interfaith Minister Training: Dia De Los Muertos
Skulls are decorated with bright colors to celebrate the lives and deaths of those who've come before
Dia De Los Muertos is a holiday that has its roots both in Christianity and in indigenous traditions. Like the Catholic All Saints Day, which is celebrated at …
Interfaith Minister Training: Dussehra
As part of the celebration, effigies of the demon Ravana are burned in great bonfires after being paraded through the streets
To be an effective interfaith minister, one has to be well-informed about a variety of faiths. Being ordained is only the first step in the…
Interfaith Minister Training: Birth of Bab
The beautiful Lotus Temple in India is the seat of the Baha'i faith
On October 20th, The Baha’i faith will be celebrating The Birth of the Bab. Since the Universal Life Church attracts people of all walks of life, race, gender and religious creed, it is i…
Interfaith Minister Training: St. Luke
Christians believe Luke wrote one of the four gospels and may have been one of the first gentile converts
St. Luke the evangelist was one of the disciples of St. Paul in the early days of the Christian church. Many scholars agree that Luke was the author of the Gos…
Ideas to Perform a Wedding in Autumn
Autumn can provide a wonderful time for a wedding, so long as the unique conditions are considered ahead of time
As a ULC wedding officiant, there is a good chance that you will be asked to perform a wedding in Autumn more than once in your career. Given that offic…